We had a conversation with Mike (Vocals) & Tommi (Guitars). Enjoy!
Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.
1. Tell us a few things about STORMBURNER (Members, Starting Year etc).
Mike: Thank you very much for the interest shown in Stormburner, we are honored by this. Basically Tommi and I (Mike) formed the band in 2016 and we layed out a plan on what to accomplish in the short-term and in the long-term. We then spent the next 6 months trying out different members to fill the vacant positions; we finally managed to find Stefan Essmyren (drums) and Tommy Jee (Bass). We started rehersing and writing songs as soon as this was done. It would take another 6 months until we managed to fill the spot for Lead Guitars but finally Mats Hedström was recruited and the band was now complete.
2. You released recently your new album ”Shadow Rising”. What is the Feedback from your audience as well as from the Press?
Mike: The feedback so far has actually been quite overwhelming for us; this goes for both fans and press. We have been very fortunate in getting all these fantastiic reviews which in turn have generated a lot of new fans from all around the world creating more “buzz”. Even though the album was just released we have made a lot of different “Best of 2019” lists which is a very humbling experience.
Tommi :The response has been completely insane! We are extremely humbled by the praise we have gotten from both the press and the audience. We are truly honored!
3. Label or DIY and why?
Mike: I guess this is different for each band but for us it is label without question. The reach and promotion that a band gets with a label is probably very hard to accomplish DIY. With this being said it is important that you find a good Record Label with a good deal. We are very happy with out label Pure Steel Records, they have done all we could ever ask for and more with the release of our debut album Shadow Rising.
4. Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?
I prefer Vinyl myself but I actually use and buy all these formats. The vinyl just feels better to hold and also gives the cover artwork the size it deserves.

5. Your music style is Heavy Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
Mike: My favourite bands are Manowar, Sabaton, Hammerfall and Judas Priest and of course Iron Maiden. What Sabaton have done in getting the younger generation into Heavy Metal is amazing really. They really deserver all of their success.
6. Which things, do you think, a Band should sacrifice in order to succeed?
Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future of your Band?
Mike: I think in order to make something special, sacrifices must be made and this goes for everything in life I would say.In terms of Stormburner we have all put our blood, sweat, and tears into making this album. We did have some set backs which delayed things with over a year which was very tough on the band but we just worked harder and here we are.
Tommi: Yes, of course. You need to be extremely focused on the goal of the band. That means that a lot of time must be spent which, in turn, means you have to sacrifice something else.
7. Describe your ideal live show as a performance Band. Have you already experienced that?
Mike: We just had our Release Concert which was the most fun show I have ever done in my life as we had 300 people show up and all the people in the basically knew every word to every song and the album had only been out for a week when we had the show. A good live show needs energy both from the band and the audience to establish this special connection that electrifies the air. We did this on our release show.

8. Which attributes, do you think, that a new Heavy Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?
Mike: I think it is always good to have a plan on what you want to do, why you are doing it and when you are doing it. This makes it to move forward at all times. Any band also needs to create its identity with their sound and this is probably the hardest part for a lot of bands. With Stormburner we do have a formula on the song writing which we stick to, all songs are written by my co-founder Tommi always start with writing the melody for the chorus, we then build the songs from there.
Tommi: I agree with Mike concerning the musical quality of any aspiring band. I also firmly believe that you have to give the audience a great show. To truly grow past the fierce competition of the scene.
9. Do you believe that Bandcamp and other Digital Platforms help the new Heavy Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a Band to promote its work?
Mike: It probably does, I have never used bandcamp but from what I understand a band can use the platform to promote and sell their music which sounds good. I think the ideal way to promote music is of course on social media but to get attention the product you sell needs to be good enough to attract attention. This is much harder today than in the past because people will stop listening after 5 seconds and skip to the next song if it does not give immediate satisfaction. This in turn makes bands write music with this in mind which in my mind is a bad thing as it will weaken the quality of the music.

10. Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Sweden (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.)
Mike: The underground scene in Sweden is actually very good with a lot of great bands releasing new material. Looking at webzines etc there are not that many and Sweden is way below the average compared to the rest of Europe. We do have the great Sweden Rock Magazine which a lot of people reads that helps both fans and bands. Speaking of metal clubs, a lot of them have closed down but luckily there are still some great places left like the great Anchor Club in Stockholm where we had our release show. They are really helping in making the live scene stay alive. There are many more places like this in the country of course.
11. Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
Yes of course, I listen a lot to bands like BattleRoaR, Wrathblade and Warrior Path; great bands, Very EPIC music that fits my taste very well and with Greece being the cradle of Western Civilisation and the place were a so many ancient epic events took place, great bands are bound to come from this.

12. What are your future plans?
Mike: Hopefully to come raiding in a town near you soon :-). Hopefully we will hit the road in 2020 for some sort of European tour. We are currently having some discussions that will hopefully lead to this. Other than that Stormburner never sleeps and we are already writing songs for the next album which to my best guess would be a 2021 release.
13. Thank you very much for your time & Keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
Mike: It was my pleasure and thank you for your kind words. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you and your readers a good ending of 2019 and a great start for 2020 and hopefully we will see you on the road next year. Let me finish with a quote from what Ken Kelly said when he revealed the coveartwork he did for our album “Get this album and Burn the Storm”.
Tommi: Burn the Storm!
By Steve the Filthy Dog.

Read the interview at Filthy Dogs of Metal